Our Committee

Our Patron: Tony Backhouse

Over the last twenty years there has been a wonderful growth in group singing here, but few resources outside the prevailing choral tradition to train those who want to learn how to direct and guide singers in alternate repertoires. So it's time for community singing in NZ to take the next step, that of encouraging and supporting the growth of the people we entrust with the leadership of our choirs and classes and providing the resources for those who want to learn how to take on those roles.

As vocal leaders you recognise the enormous value of community singing for the well-being and cohesiveness of the community, you see changes in your fellow-singers, and you experience the unique joy that singing together brings to all. We all have gifts to share and I believe the Song Leaders' Network Aotearoa, in providing a forum for discussion and access to ideas, training and repertoire can give us all the tools to better communicate, educate and inspire our singers.

Ross Browning

I have been the Conductor and Musical Director of the Napier Gospel Choir for seven years.  Before that I was Second Conductor under Tony Backhouse.  I have always had a passion for music and choral singing.  I feel very fortunate to be able to bring people together to sing, have fun and create community.  I am looking forward to serving and inspiring the singing and song leading community in my role as Chair of Song Leaders Network Aotearoa.

Chester Holmes

Chester has been a member of a number of community choirs around the Wellington region including Wellington Community Choir and even managed to be in four choirs concurrently at one stage.  Also having attended numerous one-off singing workshops, he found the Song Leaders Network Aotearoa a while back and greatly appreciates the hard work put in by the leaders and value they give to each other and their communities.   

Chester has been a member of numerous committees over time and given the issues caused by the pandemic for the SLNA, he is more than happy to stand for the committee and help out where he can.

Claire Hewitt

Claire Hewitt has been a member of Song Leaders Network Aotearoa since 2015.

It could even be earlier, I was first introduced to song leading through Wellington Community Choir and Julian Raphael, it is taken all that time for me to develop my individual unique voice as a Song Leader and now I am representing a voice on the committee for the solo practitioners, the small business owners, entrepreneurs, for social singing and contract group singing leaders who are often self-employed.

There is a full spectrum of artists and leaders in our network and a place for all of us.

I also identify as someone with a disability and that gives me an excellent knowledge base of the neurodiversity experience. How we interact and connect with our audience after working in disability/mental health and aged care industry.

Now residing in Wellington her spirit definetely comes from the Heart of Southland “Winton” and her time spent in the South Island defines that wild wind that gives voice to the unsaid.

Jude Woodgyer

Jude Woodgyer is an experienced singer/songwriter and songleader who hails from the creative, and alternative thinking, Cotswolds town of Stroud in England. Jude has been singing and performing in bands, acapella harmony groups, duos, choirs, and singing solo for the past 40 years. 


Emigrating to Levin in NZ with her family in 2016, Jude has been an active member of the Levin Folk Music Club ever since. Performing locally with various different bands, and also performing solo or providing harmonies for other acts at local muso nights. 


That same year Jude became an active member and is now co-director, with Anne-Marie Stapp, of  Sing Out Levin - a local community choir who meet weekly on Friday mornings. They also sing out in the local community several times a year.


Since May 2016, Jude has been an active member of the Song Leaders Network Aotearoa.