Can you help?
Thank you to everyone for your thoughts and feedback from Matariki Lead In. We as a Committee have been looking at what is possible for the network for the year ahead. There are lots of exciting possibilities
Two dynamic groups that need some support this coming year are:
Join the Regional Gatherings/Lead In Group
Be a part of the team generating energy and building momentum for networking together. In these opportunities we will look to develop social gathering and singing together for us as leaders. We recognize that we definitely need this healing space and time together, be it conversation, song swaps, informal gatherings or more formal leadership and resource based training or something as simple as a check in to see how you are.
We have a variety of projects we would like to deliver over the coming year, more people being part of the conversation helping to hold space in these different concepts will enable us to deliver on multiple fronts and help build out regional infrastructure for future proofing connections.
Matariki Lead In 2024
Creating space to come together as a community to build the sort of events and opportunities we want to see for ourselves.
Potential Projects
Major Event
Fundraising Events with Choirs/Musicians and SLNA partnership
Templating Regional Events
Seasonal Events
"Peace Project" Songs of Peace and unity. Funded by Peace and Disarmament Fund
Song Swaps at Regional Gatherings/Lead In
Coffee and Connect Sessions
Led by the leaders for Song Leaders
A little bit more about the two larger projects:
Fundraising Event with Choirs/Musicians and SLNA partnership
Raising funds via a larger project to create more smaller supported regional events.
Focusing on building a concert performed by song leaders with support from some choirs and musicians. Utilizing an area where there is a good concentration of choirs.
Collaboration with the audience and making it a fun event they would want to come to again is absolutely key.
Future Proofing by Templating Regional Events
We have a vision to template “How to deliver a Regional Event Package” and make this easier moving forward into the future. Building an all in one package for hosting your own regional event with ease.
We would like to invite participation from different regions to ensure we are meeting the travel, environment and needs of each regional area of Aotearoa/NZ.
Note: Meetings will take place in the digital space until it would be feasible to co-ordinate in person. Conversations have started for Regional Gatherings and we are in the development phase now. 2025 will be formalized into actual projects. We absolutely want your thoughts. Please join us.
You can contact Claire at and she will join you to our messenger group.
Join the Communications Group
This is another dynamic space for networking. We are creating a new world of building social proof, evidencing your passion and community, sharing the stories of our music making in articles and content for our membership, improving our opportunities for funding and building awareness of the power of singing.
This is an extremely powerful time for utilizing our creative spaces for transformation in the creative industry.
Help Claire bring life to Communications be a part of a few live strategy discussions to help plan out how we can make these things happen.
There are some pretty exciting projects to be a part of:
Digital Networking Events
Panel Discussions
Agony Aunt Sessions
Note: These would be seasonal events and are the digital representation of Regional Gatherings. We feel there is space for both and see these blending into live events in the future.
We would ask for your thoughts in the survey as we need to know preference for time of day and when we should do these events.
Communications SLNA
Articles about your Song Leading Pedagogy and Methodology
Instagram Takeovers
Instagram Strategy
Digital and Physical Library
Newsletter Content
General content moves quickly and change regularly things are always on the move
We want to get cracking and align with funding so we can offer these projects to you, our SLNA Community.
Note: All meetings will take place in the digital space. With a get in strategize and get out theory as this is a very dynamic space. We are conscious of peoples time. It will be very agenda focused so I can tick jobs off for our network.
You may think you might not have anything to offer but the smallest thing makes a massive difference. These shared thought processes means it not all being hosted by Claire with her limited world offerings.
We have had different members offer support in a variety of ways through out the year especially with articles. This fits within peoples own time schedule. I would not be asking for you to do work necessarily but to participate in concentrated conversation to help me move forward the membership. Directed community brainstorming. Sometimes I am faced with tasks to big for one person I would love to message my team and book a meeting, flesh it out then get on with the job at hand.
Communications and Digital networking events can sit separate to each other so do let us know what you are interested in supporting.
You can contact Claire at