How to Market to the Weary Digital Eyes

I came across this post on Facebook when looking for something and it holds near and dear to something one of our Song Leaders said recently about not promoting well. Maybe its not you but the weary audience.

Others were also pondering on this conundrum that they have built this resource to learn from.

How to Market to the Weary Digital Eyes

It was laboriously written by Lisa Garrity - majorly enhanced by Emma Maguire, Liz Talbot and with generous input and sharing of knowledge from Dianne Pulham (including spelling and grammar) and a few gems from Austin Harrison

Collaborating together for the love of theatre performance it has many wonderful techniques and suggestions that can be pulled across artforms and made sense of for your passion of Song Leading.

Please do download and make the most of this document, they have made it for sharing and making the best art work possible.


Hutt Valley Community Choir Journeys of Travel and Adventure


Aotearoa Songbook