Addressing the Shifts in SLNA Committee and Network

Covid into a rolling recession and the reality of that hits really hard. Everyone feels overstretched and how is it possible for us to make membership things happen. A small committee being nearly decimated a few years back to now having to prioritise only a one thing at a time because a low committee numbers.

So we ask for support or help in different ways to help keep our network moving so it doesn't fold in on itself. But there are still very real moments of concern around having enough people to support the infrastructure. Especially with some of the big things we are trying to achieve or would like to in the year ahead.


Since taking on his role as Chair, Ross has been both Chair and Treasurer for nearly two terms.


Chester has been secretary for one term having taken over for Tevivi.


Claire created the Communications Role and is also coming up on two terms.

We are potentially creating a new role in The Librarian, Wendy.


Along with the other amazing support we get in our committee members that support process and decision making.

All of these pose thoughts for us of managing the longevity and success of the network in the long term and how we can make it as supported and tenable as possible for people without burnout fostering situations when people are overburdened.


Some of the thinking done on this is to model on other organisations like The Lions Foundation where you have a tenure in leadership but a vice chair so everyone knows who is coming in next and they are part of the same committee for the year before, always fostering support and transition.


  • One Year Chair role

  • Vice Chair in waiting for a year, learning and growing.

  • They become the Chair, the existing chair steps into another role in committee or can step away from their time in committee.


Another idea we had been mulling over was the idea of co-sharing or shadowing roles so that we have the ability to support the transition of people out and new people in without stress, it feels supported and people can learn in a relaxed way.


The reality is in our current situation we are a small committee with a need to have more people in roles to support the infrastructure of this space for the benefit of the entire membership.


We are looking for expressions of interest for current roles at SLNA, for now and for the coming year. We have an upcoming AGM in February and already know we will have a change in roles for Secretary.

Currently it is not sustainable for us to remain with Ross in a dual role so to have any support in this area will make a huge difference.

We have big projects on the go. With Regional Planning groups, Library Group, Communications and regular committee. We are also currently updating our charter from the 1908 to 2022 Incorporated Societies Act to be compliant with the latest legislation.


A little more about these roles:



 1. Holds the perspective on where SLNA is now and where the organisation is heading.

2. Supports and encourages the other Committee members and Officers.

3. Runs the meetings, both periodic Committee meetings and Annual General Meetings (AGM).

4. Speaks for the Managing Committee and for SLNA when such a representation is called for.


 1. Take minutes of periodic meetings and distribute them to

Committee Members.

2. Take minutes of AGM’s and distribute them to SLNA members.

3. Work with Chair and Treasurer to maintain proper documentation with the Incorporated Societies Register.


 1. Holds the overall financial picture of SLNA.

2. Creates financial documents for the AGM that are then filed with the Incorporated Societies Register.

3. Creates Treasurer’s Reports for periodic meetings of the Committee.

4. With input from other sub-committees or Committee members, creates budgets for information, forecasting and goal-setting.

5. Is a signatory on the SLNA bank accounts and also manages the addition and deletion of signatories.

Note: all officers need to make themselves available for periodic Committee meetings when possible.

If you had capacity to support the network this would help to make these projects possible for us. If you had capacity now that is amazing but if you knew it was something that you could adapt into your schedule in the coming year, it would also be great to hear from you about that.

Communications Person

Although not officially holding a officers role, the Communications Person is the glue of Song Leaders Network Aotearoa.

Ready to answer emails, network, navigate and take leadership where necessary.

You are guiding the spaces where we communicate on email, Facebook, Instagram, MailChimp and our Squarespace website.

At times there will be building and creation of resources (from within our network). But our community is pretty awesome and has supported in multiple areas of the organization with a helping hand from time to time in multiple areas so you have that support if you ask.

We are happy to provide ongoing training to our platforms and brand identity.

We were successful in get a year of professional Canva, so we have advertising materials covered. Happy to do proffesional development in this area as well, but some knowledge in this would be useful.

You can contact Claire at to ask any questions and put forward any thoughts, ideas or offers.


In terms of our membership, we would like to acknowledge being overstretched and being in process to determine the best way to be of service to our membership. We are not forgetting the varying needs you have or that some of you may feel out of touch with us. Consider us a work in progress focused on you and being of service to you in this dynamic shifting sands world we find ourselves in together.

We have an amazing space on the website with loads of articles and events happening along with a unique members area just for you. Chocka with resources and content from Matariki Lead In, news, resources and videos.


SLNA Newsletter Archive


Oāmaru Sings