Choose to sing anyway!
When I first came to New Zealand, I was not welcomed in choirs as I couldn't read music. I grew up singing all the time in Madagascar: in choirs, in a band, in a traditional folk group...
In time, I found my own people and got to sing in various choirs including a Madrigal choir of all things, which didn't require me to read music.
Being able to read music does not define whether you can sing or not. Reading music is a tool, a very useful tool but NOT the only tool to learn a song. There are many ways to learn a song as proven by my own upbringing and if you one day choose to learn to read music, then there are ways and opportunities to do that too.
I guess, all I am saying is, don't get put off by your inability to read music before you start singing. Choose to sing anyway!!!
Join a community choir today!
Lala Simpson
Note: There are membership fee’s for being part of the choirs and groups below, they vary, you can pay weekly or by term.
Wellington Community Choir
Wednesdays 7 pm- 9pm at Te Whaea, last rehearsal for term 3 is on the 25th of September
Just turn up. No audition.
Kotaba Voices
Mondays 7pm-8:30pm in the Garden Room at St Peter's on Wills, last rehearsal for term 3 is on the 23rd of September
Just turn up. No audition.
Gale Force Gospel
Mondays 6 pm during School Term
The hall behind St Andrew's on the Terrace, Wellington.
New singers are always welcome. The choir is open to all singers without audition.
There is also, Anna Sedcole runs a group in Karori on Wednesday mornings and Joanna Shrigley runs a group on Friday mornings in Aro Valley, so if you are in the area, pop in, say hi.