Sing Fest Christchurch
A day of choirs across central Christchurch. Connect and interact with song leaders and their choirs at the three special locations, Great Hall, The Arts Centre, Christchurch Art Gallery and The Crossing.
Nikki Berry hosting Rock of Ages at the Christchurch Art Gallery
We would like to acknowledge our hard working leaders in Christchurch and celebrate their success.
We reached out to a few of the participating leaders to ask them about the event and how it went for them. Common themes appeared in our conversation. I am so grateful for your responses. Thank you.
We did really enjoy our sets.
It would be great to have more opportunities to meet with other choirs, perhaps teaching each other songs to share or at least all learning something in advance to sing as a massed choir.
I appreciate the hard work that goes into organising an event like this.
I also wonder if people in choirs even have space for building community outside their own choirs. Everyone seems so squeezed these days!
We actually had our own concert planned for that day, which we canceled in order to support the event. It would be great to have a set date well in advance as our concert had been planned for several months, but we wanted to support this initiative.
We found The Crossing a challenging space for audience connection.
It would have been wonderful to have more information about the event so we could share to people sooner.
There was gratitude for the event being held in Christchurch and a way to bring everyone together. Acknowledging though that timing for advertising or advising of information could be better so people could plan better for the future or support the promotion of the event. It would be great to see ways for choirs to build relationships so we are not ships in the night passing each other or meeting for the first time. Especially at such an event there is prime opportunity to deepen connection with each other and for the audience.
It has been a very challenging period of time for leaders and choirs to navigate. We celebrate you on being part of a big event as we all start to investigate different performing spaces and ways to reconnect again.
What a wonderful diverse group of choirs. May music make you merry and connection bring you joy. Being part of something moving in a direction is exciting. We hear the performances we fantastic and sorry to have missed this one.
Audience after being at Great Hall, The Arts Centre.