Women in Harmony, a 3 part acapella community choir based in Christchurch, is seeking a new choir director from February 2024.


We are a women's choir with around 20 members of all ages and walks of life who come together to share our love of music through singing. Our broad repertoire includes world, folk and popular music. We have performed at folk clubs, rest homes and community events.


We would love a choir director who can:


▪  Source and arrange songs in 3-part harmony (soprano, alto, tenor), with a focus on world music and waiata

▪  Record voice files in each part for learning

▪  Lead weekly practices in primary school terms at Kohinga St Albans Community Centre: Thursday evenings 7.30pm-9.30pm

▪ Design and lead performances


You would be supported by our administration committee, who manage the choir fees, hire the venue, make payments to the director etc.


Further information and an application form are available on our website https://womeninharmony.wordpress.com/ or please email us at women.in.harmony.nz@gmail.com.

More Details

15th December 2023

WOMEN IN HARMONY - Information on Choir Director position

Women in Harmony is a community choir based in Christchurch. Active membership is around 20 singers from a wide age range.

We sing in three part harmony (soprano, alto, tenor) mostly acapella, sometimes with percussion or accompanied by ukulele, guitar or keyboard.

We have a wide repertoire of world and popular music including waiata.

We are looking for a choir director from February 2024.


Choir members

There is no formal audition to join. Prospective members can attend on a casual basis for 3 weeks. It is expected that members will be able to pitch match. The choir director advises on whether they can join or whether they need some outside assistance pitch-matching.

Members can follow a score but not all can sing directly from a score. Music files in each singing part are provided on our Google drive, to assist with practice. Music scores are also provided.


Women in Harmony incorporated

Women in Harmony is an incorporated society, with a written constitution.

3.0 Purposes of Society (extract from the constitution)

3.1 The charitable purposes of the Society are to:

(a)  To form and maintain a choir for the active participation of Christchurch women singing together.  

(b) To educate and encourage the development of singing, musical appreciation and enjoyment of music both by listening and taking part.  

(c) To perform privately and publicly. 

(d) To foster friendships and support for singers in an inclusive non-discriminatory manner.

(e) To do any other activities which may further the charitable purposes of the Society.

         3.2 To take steps to support the above purposes.

         3.3 Pecuniary gain is not a purpose of the Society.

Members pay fees each term, and a one-off fee to join the society. There is a fee subsidy for those having difficulty paying term fees.

The choir director receives a payment for practice sessions and performance hours. A contract will be drawn up.

There is a small administrative committee with responsibility for hiring the practice hall, providing resources, managing finance (payments and term fees), and publicity. An annual general meeting is held during a practice evening. The committee is elected each year at the AGM and meets usually once each term.



Before the Covid pandemic, we gave a full concert each year, sometimes two (e.g. at Folk Clubs). We also gave occasional short performances at various community events (e.g. Singfest) and for various organisations (e.g. rest homes) and participated in fundraiser events (e.g. Medecin sans Frontier). Like other choirs we managed to keep going during Covid lockdowns by ‘meeting’ by Zoom. In between, we performed as we could, with short contributions at events (Singfest, Singing for Our Lives) and organisations. We have had significant change in membership including new members who need to become familiar with our repertoire. We are now at a stage where we need to re-launch, consolidate membership and increase our performances.

Performances sometimes involve some solo items. We make use of musical talent within the choir, for guitar and ukulele accompaniment, and percussion.  On occasion we are joined by musicians from outside the choir.

Some songs are sung with music scores, some without. “Cheat sheets” are often provided in lieu of using music scores.


Role of the Choir Director

● To provide musical direction consistent with the philosophy and aims of Women in Harmony and the competencies of the choir

● To enliven our repertoire with new songs

● Source and arrange songs in 3 part harmony (soprano, alto, tenor)

● Provide music scores as appropriate

● Create music files (voice recordings) of each singing part for our Google drive as appropriate

●  Lead weekly practices in primary school terms at Kohinga St Albans Community Centre, 1049 Colombo Street, St Albans: Thursday evenings (7.30pm-9.30pm with a tea break). Exact dates to be negotiated.

●  Sing each part during practices to guide the choir; lead warm ups

● Assess suitability of newcomers to join the choir. Provide advice on whether someone needs further assistance with pitch-matching

● Design performances – Provide “cheat sheets” where appropriate

● Lead performances. This will require being available beyond practice sessions e.g. occasionally during the weekend. Dates of performances are negotiated.

● Meet with the committee at least once a year, preferably each term (for part of the meeting)

● Endeavour to find a replacement if unable to take a practice.   


● Musical knowledge including world music and waiata

● Previous experience leading a choir would be helpful, though not essential

● Ability to arrange music in three part harmony; and to record each part

● Patient and encouraging (!)


If this sounds like you, please complete the application form and send it to women.in.harmony.nz@gmail.com and we will be in touch!

Application for Woman in Harmony


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